Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Call for action: H.R.2454

The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) has been introduced in the House as H.R.2454.  There are three major sections (titles) in this bill:

  1. Title I--Clean Energy
  2. Title II--Energy Efficiency
  3. Title III--Reducing Global Warming Pollution

Title III,  is the real clunker in this bill.

Title III calls for designation of certain gases, including CO2, as 'pollution' requiring extensive regulation of their emissions.  These regulations, one of which is the 'carbon cap and trade' regime, promise to levy an onerous burden on American commerce; the cost of which will certainly be passed along to American consumers.

Worse, the entire premise of this section--global warming--is highly debatable.[Link]  We should not be taking the rash actions called for by Title III that easily could turn out to be futile if not misdirected.

So, now is the time for your Representatives and Senators to hear from you.   Encourage them to vote No on any version of H.R.2454 that includes Title III.

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